Wednesday, 22 July 2009

My dissertation writing journey...

BismiLlaahi Wal hamduliLlaah...

"I affirmed that I can achieve a goal I set for myself by using intelligence, a combination of prior experience, hard work, determination, and focussed effort, and most important is the guidance from Allah swt".

Writing a dissertation involves not only writing per se, but it also require extensive reading and learning prior and during the writing process. Based on my experiences, in the process of writing the dissertation we will learn many things.
  • we will learn more about our self.
  • we will learn more about our discipline.
  • we will learn to organize a lot of information or data.
  • we will learn to do original research.
  • we will learn to organize our time and life.
  • we will learn more about writing...
The most important thing during this journey is our relationships with Allah. Allah lah penolong yang terbaik buat kita. Our niat for this writing also should be niat to Allah swt. Bukan semata-mata untuk diri sendiri...

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